
October 28, 2010

A Much Needed Matsunaga High at KT Paperdolls x Rajo Wharton Fashion Show

KT (Kate Torralba) invited Angel and I to her fashion show last night. It was her new collection for Paperdolls which she launched together with Rajo. The event was fun as it showcased KT's new designs--a vintage inspired array of sorts. Rajo's collection for men was, as always, exquisite even though I was concentrating more on the pretty boys than the clothes themselves.

Having only attended the second fashion show in my entire life, I found this one better than the first. Aside from getting VIP treatment, the show was MUCH better. It was fun, lively, and ecstatic. The models came in and out with more energy than before. I especially loved the part when KT & Rajo collaborated their talents through a song number. They didn't play live though, as it was broadcasted through the overhead projectors. But it was a really fun song number. When Rajo sang, everyone cheered because only a few people thought he could. Or maybe I wasn't in on the secret.

ta-da! I found it on YouTube! I'm surprised it's already there! ^,^

After the song, the male models came out riding really cute bicycles that had a basket in front. They goofed around the stage several times before the ladies came out. Of course, KT looked gorgeous in her own masterpiece. Rajo was unable to come so the male models (+ KT) took out a Rajo-on-a-stick mask and covered their faces in it. It really took everyone by surprise!

I wanted to thank KT for inviting us but knowing how she's such a HUGE star now, everyone flocked to her like bulls to an ant. ^,^ Nevertheless, I waved Hi to her and sent her an SMS.

as if I know how to ride one!
What really made our night was when we bumped into Daniel Matsunaga on our way out. Although he wasn't exactly the one Angel and I had our eyes on, we decided to have our pictures taken with him. I mean come on, I don't really have my pictures taken with stars but he's a real eye-candy I couldn't miss out on.

After our photos, Angel and I ate dinner and laughed about the whole experience. We were on a "Matsunaga-high" throughout the night as we laughed and giggled like schoolgirls. Not even the annoying taxi drivers could drive us out of our frenzy!

Indeed, Angel and I needed our "Matsunaga-high". I recently had a semi- riff with her over a really small issue. For that, I do my Matsunaga *salute* (something we both invented last night).

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