Despite this though, the rest of the Filipinos have been disheartened. Their hopes for a better future, shattered with the news that there has only been one lucky winner. Many go back to their ordinary lives, battling each day with the mere income they earn. Sadly, their hopes for paying up their debts, buying their own homes, and providing for their families will have to wait.
Early this day though, news reporters have been pinpointing the winner to be someone from Pampanga. To make things more specific, many claim that the winner is from the 2nd district of the region. One reporter even mentioned “Siya na naman?!” (“Him/her again?!”) as if to imply that the winner of the much anticipated pot was the same person.
What does this mean? I believe the Filipinos are only sour graping, and making themselves feel better despite the disheartening fact that their lucky tickets did not bring them any life-changing joy. Throughout the years, we have never seen such a huge amount named as the jackpot prize of the draw. In fact, if the pot reached around 100+ million, there would instantly be a winner who, coincidentally, is from Pampanga.
Even though this is equally depressing, it just goes to show how much we, as Filipinos, have become accepted the fact that our previous leaders have “stolen” the jackpot prize from us. The idea is no longer alien, as we have heard (and continue to hear) about how our leaders get their money through corrupt methods. It is sad to accept but true.
If it were any other winner of the lotto draw from last night, we still cannot get over the fact that someone was able to win everything for his own. That is why we are so eager and willing to admit defeat, thinking that the winner is the same person or 'siya na naman!'
We can only hope and pray that the real winner spends his money wisely, whoever he or she is.
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