I am posting this because today is the first birthday of my dog, Ponti. I miss him very much and I can't wait to go home to Bacolod for Christmas to see him once again. I might take him back home with me when I leave for Manila but I'm still deciding on this because I will need to move into a condo which allows pets.
Anyway, I was at Bonifacio High Street with my sister and her (soon-to-be) fiance's family last weekend. As always, BHS is full of dogs. This time though, we saw a bunch of Huskies and their owners grouped together. I saw a number of them who I wanted to hug and take home with me! But of course, I couldn't. So instead, I took their pictures.
I think her name is Phoebe (?) and she is less than a year old |
When I turned around, there was another group in the distance. Shih-Tzu and their owners. There were some Lhasa Apsos there too. But I was more attracted to the Huskies because they are so cute!!!
Happy Birthday Ponti!!
hi chuchie_d_aspin! thanks for the greeting. he's a toy poodle :) happy bday to kermit too! :)