
September 1, 2010

Goodbye August, Hello September!

It's the first day of September and for almost everyone in the Philippines, it's the start of the BER season. I know it's crazy but it's what people have been saying to me all throughout the day. While they're busy getting their friends to buy them something for the upcoming Christmas season, I'm headed to another career decision (still it has something to do with writing).

I am currently making decisions whether or not to keep this job, or to let go of the other one. I'm doing this so I could watch my health and be careful not to burn myself out too much. Aside from this, I am doing my very best to be beside my dad through this tough time. He lost a relative who was very close to him last Sunday and we are planning to go up to his hometown, Bayombong, on Friday to attend the burial. I feel sorry for my dad since he said that this will be the last time he visits his hometown since he felt so empty during his visit yesterday.

So finally, August is over and I hope I don't get anymore disappointing news. August was a hellhole for me, careerwise, as well. I lost a client who paid $5 for each article and had a hard time coping with that. Luckily, I was able to find new clients that will take care of me. I also changed my phone (E75) as I believe it brought bad luck to me for the past 8 months. I finally let go of it even though it was my dream phone for 8 months prior to the day I bought it. But oh well, change is good and I welcome it with open arms.

More changes to come. Something to do with my career, exercise goals, rest, and maybe a reunion with my classmates in College... I don't see any signs of my lovelife becoming active anytime soon though. ^,^

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